Walkern Parish Council Report – January 2025

The Parish Council met on Thursday 5th December and Thursday 9th January 2025 at Walkern Sports and Community Centre. This report covers some of the issues we have been dealing with over the last few months. The full minutes of the meeting will be available on the Parish Council website and on the Parish Council Notice Board by Budgens.

Proposed Solar Farm, Beane Valley between Cromer and Cottered Planning Application: 3/24/2245/FUL

Parish Councillors were present at a meeting in Ardley where concerns were raised over the siting and planning application for the Beane Valley Solar Farm. We wish to co-ordinate our response to East Herts District Council with those of Ardley and Cottered Councils. We recognise that solar energy does play a key part in energy security for the UK but the developer’s own survey identified the majority of the proposed site as BMV (best most versatile land). The Parish Council is mindful that in May 2024 the Energy Security Secretary told Parliament that the best agricultural land must be protected for food security, as part of the UK’s national resilience. Solar projects should avoid this quality land and should be developed on brownfield land, contaminated land, industrial land and rooftops so as not to compromise the UK’s food security. We will be sending our response to East Herts District Council shortly, as well as keeping in touch with local Parish Councils and campaign groups.

Defibrillator Course November 2024

This excellent course, financed by the Parish Council, was run by Neil Froggitt, the brains behind a company specialising in first aid training for all ages and groups of people, as well as leading trail adventures in the UK and abroad. We dealt with basic first aid and how to administer CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) in children and adults. Neil provided a number of dummies so that we could practise the skills needed and also came with practice defibrillators, mini versions of the real thing, so that we could become more familiar with how the machine issues instructions when operating. We were able to fit the defibrillator pads to the dummies and go through the process of administering the electric shock needed to restart the heart of a casualty. A few weeks later the defibrillator in the High Street playground was displayed to those who attended the course so that the size and weight could be compared to the practice machines. As well as listening to the opening instructions we could see that there is a very obvious button to press on the front which will reduce the current when the casualty is a child or young person. The defibrillator is in a yellow cabinet and can be unlocked with a code that will be provided once the emergency services have been called.

Virtual Attendance at Council Meetings

The government has published a consultation paper to allow councils to use virtual attendance at council meetings. We have responded to a government survey supporting the right of councils to hold virtual meetings when the need arises. It would give councillors and residents who may not be able to attend in person the opportunity to listen to council business and it may also allow residents with young families or those caring for others to consider taking part in local government. During the passage of the Levelling up and Regeneration Act in Parliament the National Association of Local Councils secured cross party support for parish and town councils to hold virtual meetings.

Playground Update

Councillors have met on site with representatives from three companies that provide play equipment. We have discussed with them which pieces will be kept and those we would like to see replaced, as well as looking at new and exciting play opportunities. Once we have received all three designs and quotations all the councillors will be able to view and give their thoughts on how we should proceed with the project. The funds will come from S106 monies given by the developer when the new Meers estate was built. These funds are held at present by EHDC.

Priority Traffic Sign for the Bridge

The council is investigating the possibility of installing a priority traffic sign on the bridge near the Walkern Sports and Community Centre. Residents are aware that visibility is difficult on the extremely sharp and narrow bend over the bridge and there have been three serious accidents at that spot in the past 18 month. We have asked Ken Crofton, our County Councillor, to contact Highways to see whether a sign would be possible, how much it would cost and their advice on which direction should have priority.

Councillor Vacancy

There is a vacancy for a Parish Councillor. We are a friendly group of people from all walks of life who care about the village. The work of the Parish Council is wide and varied. Yes, we do look after the waste bins, dog bins and street lights but there’s a lot more to it than that! In the past five years we have obtained grants to improve community facilities as well as owning many of the village assets, such as the sports field, the Pavilion, the allotments and the High Street Playground. There is an opportunity for the public to attend our meetings and see the work of the Council and all are welcome, so if you feel you would like to contribute to the life of the village then come along and meet us.

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Thursday 6th February 2025 at the Walkern Sports and Community Centre commencing at 7.00 pm.

Christine Nudds, Parish Councillor