The Parish Council met on Thursday 7th November at Walkern Sports and Community Centre. This report covers some of the issues we have been dealing with over the last few months. The full minutes of the meeting will be available on the Parish Council website and on the Parish Council Notice Board by Budgens.
Inspired Villages (Retirement Homes)
Representatives from Inspired Villages have been invited to the next meeting on December 5th to present their proposals to the Council. This is not a formal planning application and therefore the Council will not make a response at this stage. Please check the Parish Council website and face book page nearer the time to see if they have confirmed their attendance and come along If you would like to hear the proposals before they submit a planning application to East Herts District Council.
We need your help as the gate to the High Street playground has been damaged several times in the last few months. Someone has removed the heavy duty bolts holding a metal plate in position so that the gate cannot be forced open the wrong way. This looks like a game but in fact it could have serious consequences as once the gate is stuck open it leaves a gap wide enough for a young child to run through and reach the very busy road.
We have reported this to the police who will visit the park more often but it is very difficult to find out when the damage occurs and who is responsible.
Please talk to family members and neighbours explaining how dangerous this could be for the young children using the park as this is now a police matter.
Councillor Vacancy
Following the resignation of John Wilson there is a vacancy for a Parish Councillor. We are a friendly group of people from all walks of life who care about the village. The work of the Parish Council is wide and varied. Yes, we do look after the waste bins, dog bins and street lights but there’s a lot more to it than that! In the past five years we have obtained grants to improve community facilities as well as owning many of the village assets, such as the sports field, the Pavilion, the allotments and the High Street Playground.
There is an opportunity for the public to attend our meetings and see the work of the Council and all are welcome, so if you feel you would like to contribute to the life of the village then come along and meet us.
Litter Bins
East Herts have recently contacted the Council about proposals to change and remove a number of bins in the village. When pressed for more information our clerk, Abi, discovered that they intend to remove a large number of the bins, possibly up to 50%, which they say are not fully used.
The Council really cannot understand their position, as we are regularly contacting them to complain that bins are overflowing because they have not been emptied and rubbish accumulating on the paths around them form a health hazard.
Abi has again contacted them expressing our concerns and strongly urging them to review the number of bins to be removed, as this would have a detrimental effect on the village and the wider community.
Virtual Attendance at Council Meetings
The government has published a consultation paper to allow councils to use virtual attendance at council meetings. The National Assossiation for Local Councils is encouraging all parish councils and individual councillors to respond to a survey giving our views. We very much support the flexibility that being able to allow virtual attendance at meetings would give councillors and residents who may not be able to attend in person. It may also allow residents with young families or those caring for others to consider taking part in local government.
A Mighty Thankyou to Jan Fewell
The Council wish to express our gratitude and thanks to Jan Fewell, who for many months has patrolled and picked up litter along the Stevenage Road. This is no easy job as the road is narrow and twisting but we and many other residents really do appreciate her efforts in keeping the local countryside clean.
Gate Closure at Walkern Sports and Community Centre
The gate onto the footpath towards Aston at the WSCC will be closed for 24 hours on 24th/25th December 2024. This is not just a whim of the Council but is required by law to comply with the Public Rights of Way Act.
The public can still use the entrance from the High Street to gain access to the field. Also, if it is closed for slightly longer than 24 hours, please be patient as a Councillor is having to leave their family Christmas to open it again!
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Thursday 5th December 2024 at the Walkern Sports and Community Centre commencing at 7.00 pm.
Christine Nudds, Parish Councillor