What we do
Your Parish Council is the closest tier of local government to you.
This site provides you with information on how your Parish Council serves you.
The powers and duties under which a Parish Council operates are set out in local government statute and regulations. The council income comes mainly from funding provided by the district council (the Precept) and the council also receives interest on our cash balances and can apply for grants as and when required.
Walkern has seven parish council members whose contact information can be found on this website. All work voluntarily and give their time to help support and enhance the village for the benefit of residents. We have two employees:
- The Clerk, who manages all administrative aspects in connection to council business
- A litter picker who helps keep the parish clean and tidy including emptying parish owned litter bins not emptied by the general contractor.
The council normally meets on the first Thursday of the month but please check our published meeting dates. The meeting takes place in the Walkern Sports and Community Centre (WSCC) and starts at 19:00. Prior to the meeting the agenda can be viewed on the council notice board (next to Budgens) and this website. Members of the public are encouraged and welcome to attend any Council meeting. Time is set aside at every meeting for an “open forum” when residents can bring matters of interest to the attention of the council. Outside of the open forum residents may observe but not take part in the discussions of the council unless the Chair invites them to do so.
Every May there is a Parish Council Annual Meeting when the Chair presents a report of the previous 12 months activity, and residents can raise issues and discuss them in open forum.
The responsibilities of the council are varied and include:
- The parish council is consulted on all planning applications within the parish, and on major planning applications in neighbouring parishes. We can recommend refusal, approval or modification and conditions to East Herts District Council who make the ultimate decision.
- Looking after and improving areas of the parish, e.g. grass cutting and planting in some verges and open spaces. We also take responsibility for the upkeep of all our assets and provide risk assessments.
- Liaising with the county council on highway safety and repair.
- Liaising with the county council on the state of footpaths and other rights of way.
- Making grants to village organisations or other initiatives from council funds.
- Liaising with the police on matters of concern within the parish.
- Litter picking and provision and maintenance of dog waste and general waste bins.
- Monitoring drainage and ditches throughout the parish and taking action as and when necessary.
- Making environmental improvements as and when thought appropriate.
- Maintaining this website for the benefit of parishioners and other village organisations.
More information on all these activities is provided on this website.
The Parish Councillors and Clerk are listed on this website, as are minutes from our meetings, our policies and procedures, accounts and other financial information.