The full plans can be viewed at:

Application DateReferenceApplication DateLocationDescriptionParish Council responseOutcome
Tue 11th Feb, 20253/25/0221/HHRunnymede House Walchra Court Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7FAConstruction of outbuildingAwaited
Mon 27th Jan, 20253/25/0125/HH32 Stevenage Road Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7NHRemoval of tile cladding to front elevation. Erection of cladding to front, part side and to dormer windows at front and rear.Awaited
Thu 19th Dec, 202424/2313/ELECLand At Walkern Cottage Farm Benington Road Walkern HertfordshireRequest for observations with regard to a Section 37 Electricity Act 1989 application to the Secretary of State in connection to add a third conductor the existing overhead electricity line off Benington Road, Walkern. The works are to reinforce the local electricity supply and provide a 3 phase supplyAwaited
Mon 25th Nov, 20243/24/2155/CLPORunnymede House Walchra Court Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7FAOutbuilding in the curtilage of the house for the enjoyment of the dwelling house under Class ERefused
Mon 18th Nov, 20243/24/2102/HH9 High Street Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7PDDetached double car port to front driveway.Refused
Fri 15th Nov, 2024X/24/0525/CNDBockings 12 Church End Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7PBDischarge of Conditions 17 (Contamination) of planning approval 3/24/0402/VARAwaited
Fri 15th Nov, 20243/24/2095/HH40 Froghall Lane Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7PHDemolition of chimney and removal of garage. Erection of 2 storey side extensions, rear second storey flat roof extension incorporating rooflight, second storey extension to front porch. Existing dwelling roof replacement, incorporating raising the roof height, change in pitch and three dormers. Alterations to fenestration and external wall materials.No objectionGranted
Mon 11th Nov, 20243/24/2050/VARBockings 12 Church End Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7PBVariation of Condition 2 (approved plans) pursuant to planning permission 3/22/2243/FUL dated 06.07.2023 (for: Demolition of domestic stable block buildings. Erection of 3 dwellings together with access, landscaping). The amendments include doors moved forward flush with front elevation for plot 2-3. Internal alterations to kitchen and utility/store and to remove door and replace with window on rear elevation for plot 1.Awaited
Tue 22nd Oct, 20243/24/1950/HH2 Kitcheners Lane Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7PFErection of a timber frame car port/garageAwaited
Mon 23rd Sep, 2024X/24/0419/CNDBockings 12 Church End Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7PBDischarge of Condition 5 (Archaeology) attached to 3/22/2243/FUL.Discharged
Wed 4th Sep, 2024X/24/0384/CND39 Church End Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7PBDischarge of condition 3 (Windows) 4 (Doors) of planning approval 3/24/1170/LBCDischarged
Tue 27th Aug, 20243/24/1597/FULThe Piggeries Benington Road Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7HXErection of Animal Welfare BuildingGranted
Thu 8th Aug, 2024X/24/0336/CNDBockings 12 Church End Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7PBDischarge of Conditions 6 (Drainage) 10 (EVCP) 11 (Refuse Storage) 12 (Cycle store) 13 (Landscaping) 15 (Water use) 19 (Bat and Bird Boxes) 20 (External lighting) 21 (Replacement Trees) of planning approval 3/24/0402/VARAwaited
Mon 15th Jul, 2024X/24/0297/CNDBockings 12 Church End Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7PBDischarge of Conditions 3 (External materials) 4 (Window detail) 3/24/0402/VARDischarged
Fri 21st Jun, 20243/24/1170/LBC39 Church End Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7PBProposed replacement windows and doors.Granted
Tue 4th Jun, 20243/24/1061/SCREENLand West Of High Street Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7PFRequest for Screening Opinion: Integrated Retirement Community (IRC) of up to 125 units, comprising a variety of ancillary community, activity, ornamental and natural green spaces. The scheme comprises a central, main building (the Clubhouse) that contains communal facilities, including a restaurant, gym, studio space and swimming pool.EIA not required
Mon 20th May, 2024X/24/0206/CNDBockings 12 Church End Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7PBDischarge of condition 17 (Contamination) attached to 3/22/2243/FULPartially discharged
Fri 3rd May, 20243/24/0878/HH10 Finches End Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7RGProposed rear outbuilding.Granted
Tue 26th Mar, 2024X/24/0141/CNDBockings 12 Church End Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7PBDischarge of Condition 5 (Archaeology) attached to 3/22/2243/FUL.Partially discharged
Tue 26th Mar, 2024X/24/0148/CNDBockings 12 Church End Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7PBDischarge of Condition 7 (Biodiversity) attached to 3/22/2243/FUL.Discharged
Tue 26th Mar, 2024X/24/0149/CNDBockings 12 Church End Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7PBDischarge of condition 17 (Contamination) attached to 3/22/2243/FUL.Partially discharged
Thu 21st Mar, 20243/24/0579/AGPNThe Piggeries Benington Road Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7HXRe-surfacing of the farmyard.Refused
Wed 28th Feb, 20243/24/0402/VARBockings 12 Church End Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7PBDemolition of domestic stable block buildings. Erection of 3 dwellings together with access, landscaping. Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission: 3/22/2243/FUL - Site Level changed, the proposal will be using existing ground level, utilising existing ground level due to site level adjustment.Granted
Fri 22nd Dec, 2023X/22/0536/CNDDischarge condition 9 (details of surface water drainage works) attached to 3/21/2066/FUL.The Paddocks 13 Totts Lane Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7PLDischarged
Tue 19th Dec, 20233/23/2453/CLPO12 Froghall Lane Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7PHInstallation of roof mounted solar panelsGranted
Thu 30th Nov, 20233/23/2275/HH9 High Street Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7PDPart retrospective for the erection of car port/storage incorporating electric charging pointsAppeal dismissed
Mon 30th Oct, 20233/23/2067/HH1 Finches End Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7RGProposed single storey glass roof on aluminium posts located on the rear elevation.Granted
Mon 18th Sep, 20233/23/1764/LBCMillers Cottage 161 High Street Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7NPRepairs to roof to include: front lower rafters stabilised and secondary rafters installed. Opening of masonry to the rear verge to check general deterioration and replace/treat timber. Attachment of mechanical straps to secure rear wall plate, purlin and underside of front rafter. Installation of trimmers to rafter intersections with the chimney. Provide straps across the Principal Trusses and tie rods to the masonry gable wall. Application of paste preservative treatment of timbers. Apply a spray preservative to rafters.Granted
Mon 18th Sep, 20233/23/1771/FUL70A Stevenage Road Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7NEErection of 1 two storey dwelling with creation of access, associated parking and landscaping.Granted
Wed 6th Sep, 20233/23/1712/LBC2 Bassus Green Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7JGRepair and reinstatement to include replacement of front door and select windows, erection of weather boarding to porch, reconstruction of dormer windows, repair and re pointing, extend height of chimney and re-thatching. Internal alterations to include - replacement log burner, installation of kitchen, re plastering, replacement walls, doors, floorboards, and boxing.Granted
Wed 6th Sep, 20233/23/1711/HH2 Bassus Green Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7JGRepair and reinstatement to include replacement of front door and select windows, erection of weather boarding to porch, reconstruction of dormer windows, repair and re pointing, extend height of chimney and re-thatching. Internal alterations to include - replacement log burner, installation of kitchen, re plastering, replacement walls, doors, floorboards, and boxingGranted
Wed 30th Aug, 20233/23/1664/AGPNThe Piggeries Benington Road Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7HXErection of agricultural storage building. Length 30 metres, Height to eves 5.17 metres, breadth 9.14 metres, height to ridge 6.4 metres.Granted
Wed 23rd Aug, 20233/23/1530/VAR29A Moors Ley Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7NQProposed erection of detached three bedroom dwelling. Moving the internal stairs resulting in the re-positioning of an existing high level window to the west Elevation and patio doors to replace current window to bedroom two. New side conservatory. Removal of condition 4 (programme of archaeological work) of planning permission: 3/21/2298/VAR - House already built and almost finished. Applied for a variation on the side elevation had deep drainage also a gas main dug along this side with pictures as proof. The foot print of this house had already had a archaeological report before.Granted
Mon 31st Jul, 20233/23/1462/CLPO9 Finches End Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7RGInsertion of 4 Velux windows. Conversion of roof space to habitable room.Granted
Wed 19th Jul, 20233/23/1388/HHThe Paddocks 13 Totts Lane Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7PLErection of garage.Granted
Mon 12th Jun, 20233/23/1121/VAR70 Stevenage Road Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7NEVariation of condition 1 (approved plans) of planning approval 3/22/1287/FUL -(Erection of two bedroom, two storey dwelling with new access to existing dwelling) to widening of property by 500mm and create a room in the loft space.Granted
Wed 7th Jun, 20233/23/1093/HHWalkern Mill House 151 High Street Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7NPDemolition and erection of single storey side extension Erection of detached car port with garden store. Garage conversion with installation of doors. Insertion of 2 rooflight windows.Granted
Wed 24th May, 20233/23/1010/HH89 High Street Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7NUDemolition of conservatory and erection of single storey rear extension.Granted
Thu 18th May, 20233/23/0965/HH80 Stevenage Road Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7NEErection of two-storey rear extension and insertion of first floor side windows.Granted
Mon 15th May, 20233/23/0936/CLPO15/05/202325 Moors Ley Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7NQInsertion of dormer window to rear and insertion of 3 rooflights to frontGranted
Fri 21st Apr, 20233/23/0784/HH62 Stevenage Road Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7NEErection of single storey side and rear extensions; alterations to fenestration and openings to side elevation; and installation of new window to first floor front elevation.Granted
Tue 11th Apr, 20233/23/0710/HH2 Cherry Tree Rise Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7JLProposed single storey rear and side extensions.Granted
Thu 16th Feb, 20233/23/0300/HH1 Finches End Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7RGFirst floor front extension. Side lean-to roof canopy addition over entrance door. Reposition 1 ground floor side window.Refused
Tue 24th Jan, 20233/23/0129/VAR1 Winters Lane Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7NZConstruction of outbuilding to accommodate cats on a short term basis. Variation of Condition 5 (Maximum number of cats) of 3/22/1158/FUL: The wording of the condition to be amended to: In association with the development hereby approved, the number of customers whose cats can be boarded at any given time is restricted to a maximum of 8.Granted
Mon 23rd Jan, 2023X/23/0021/CND1 Winters Lane Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7NZDischarge of condition 3 (Management plan) for planning approval 3/22/1158/FULDischarged
Tue 20th Dec, 20223/22/2659/HH13 Moors Ley Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7NGErection of single storey rear extension and additional insulation to roof of existing rear building raising the roof line by 150mmGranted
Fri 16th Dec, 20223/22/2635/FULThe Piggeries Benington Road Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7HXErection of a rural worker's dwelling to replace existing mobile home.Appeal dismissed
Thu 27th Oct, 20223/22/2275/LBCFinches Farm 109 High Street Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7NSInternal alterations to ground floor and first floor including removal of walls, repositioning of kitchen, alterations to utility room, infill door openings, create new door openings, install new partition walls, create en suite and cupboard. External alteration replacing 1 window with doors.Withdrawn
Tue 25th Oct, 20223/22/2243/FULBockings 12 Church End Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7PBDemolition of domestic stable block buildings. Erection of 3 dwellings together with access, landscaping and the provision of 1 vehicular passing place along Bockings.Granted
Wed 19th Oct, 20223/22/2198/HH48 Stevenage Road Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7NHErection of single storey rear extension. Extension of party/parapet wall above roof line.Granted
Mon 3rd Oct, 2022X/22/0419/CNDThe Paddocks 13 Totts Lane Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7PLDischarge of Conditions 1 (Three year time limit), 2 (approved plans and documents), 3 (Constuction hours of working, plant and machinery), 4 (External materials of construction), 5 (Accessible and adaptable dwellings), 6 (Wholesome water target), 7 (Gas - fired boilers), 8 (On site vehicular parking areas), 9 (Surface water drainage works), 10 (Unsuspected contamination), 11 ( Provision of a visibility splay), 12 (Vehicular access provision and retention), 13 (Walls fences and external lighting), 14 (Refuse Storage), and 15 (Electric vehicle charging point) attached to 3/21/2066/FUL.Part discharge/part refuse
Thu 29th Sep, 20223/22/2063/FULRooks Nest Farm 182 High Street Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7NSChange of use from Paddock to Garden. Installation of ground mounted solar pv.Granted
Thu 29th Sep, 20223/22/2064/LBCRooks Nest Farm 182 High Street Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7NSChange of use from Paddock to Garden. Installation of ground mounted solar pv.Withdrawn
Wed 28th Sep, 2022X/22/0411/CND1 Kitcheners Lane Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7PFDischarge appeal condition 5 (archaeology) attached to 3/17/2770/FULDischarged
Wed 10th Aug, 20223/22/1705/HH99 High Street Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7NUErection of a single-storey rear extension, erection of the outbuilding office and a garden gym.Granted
Tue 2nd Aug, 20223/22/1646/HH12 Winters Lane Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7NZErection of workshop, carport and timber entrance gate.Appeal dismissed
Thu 21st Jul, 20223/22/1562/HH8 Glebe View Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7PQSingle storey rear extension and partial garage conversion to create self-contained attached annex. Replace 1 garage door with 2 new single front doors.Appeal dismissed
Mon 20th Jun, 20223/22/1287/FUL70 Stevenage Road Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7NEErection of two bedroom, two storey dwelling with new access to existing dwelling.Granted
Fri 10th Jun, 20223/22/1214/FULThe Piggeries Benington Road Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7HXErection of 1 rural worker's dwelling with an attached agricultural equipment store, to replace a mobile home.Refused
Thu 9th Jun, 20223/22/1202/LBCManor Farm 52 High Street Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7PGReplacement of kitchen. Insertion of flues. Installation of log burner. Repairs to front east facing boundary wall to include replacement of bricks and mortar.Granted
Thu 9th Jun, 20223/22/1201/HHManor Farm 52 High Street Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7PGCreation of extraction flues. Repairs and repointing to front east facing boundary wall.Granted
Wed 1st Jun, 20223/22/1158/FUL1 Winters Lane Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7NZConstruction of outbuilding to accommodate cats on a short term basis.Granted
Mon 30th May, 20223/22/1144/HH12 Winters Lane Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7NZDemolition of side extension and erection of side extension; removal of chimney, loft conversion and extension of rear dormer; rear ground floor infill extension; replacement pitched roof to side extension; relocation of entrance way and front porch extension; installation of roof lights to front and side and replacement window to side.Granted
Fri 20th May, 20223/22/1072/HHBoxwood Lodge Stevenage Road Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7ABRemoval of garage flat roof. Addition of pitched roof. Alterations to fenestration.Granted
Mon 16th May, 20223/22/0974/VAR50 Moors Ley Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7NQDemolition of store and removal of front gates. Single storey rear extension with roof lantern. Insertion of door to side. Loft conversion with creation of rear dormer window with rooflights to front and rear and alterations/widening of crossover. Removal of condition 6 (programme of archaeological work) of planning permission: 3/21/1541/HH - After a site visit from historic environment unit it was decided that the programme of archaeological work condition was not required.Granted
Fri 29th Apr, 20223/22/0924/VAR1 Kitcheners Lane Walkern Hertfordshire SG2 7PFDemolition of existing rear and side extensions, proposed excavation works for extension of basement with rear light-well, new ground and first floor window openings and alterations to fenestration. Construction of new 3-bedroom dwelling at the rear of the existing dwelling with basement, ground and first floor levels. Variation of condtion 5 (Archeaology) from planning approval 3/17/2770/FUL.Withdrawn
Thu 31st Mar, 20223/22/0625/HH145 High Street Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7NPAlterations to fenestration and openings to side and rear elevations.Granted
Mon 21st Mar, 20223/22/0609/HH6 Totts Lane Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7PLErection of outbuilding for use as a shed/workshop and studioGranted
Fri 21st Jan, 20223/22/0137/HH1 The Maltings Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7NBSingle storey rear extension DownloadGranted
Thu 13th Jan, 20223/22/0055/LBCManor Farm 52 High Street Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7PGRepair to front sash windows. Replacement of side (south) windows with single glazed, timber sash. Replacement of kitchen bay windows. Replacement of ground floor windows with timber casement windows. Replacement of first floor rear-facing and north facing windows with timber casement windows. Replacement of french doors. Re-pointing of dwelling. Internal alterations. DownloadGranted
Fri 24th Dec, 20213/21/3194/FULLand At Bockings 12 Church End Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7PBDemolition of domestic stable block buildings. Erection of 3 dwellings together with access, car ports and landscaping plus the provision of 1 vehicular passing place along Bockings. View (PDF)
Fri 17th Dec, 20213/21/3139/FULLand Adjacent To Manorview 21 High Street Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7PAConstruction of 2 detached dwellings with detached garaging and associated parking. View (PDF)
Thu 16th Dec, 20213/21/3114/LBC39 Church End Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7PBReplacement of double front doors
Wed 3rd Nov, 20213/21/2766/HH66 High Street Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7PGDemolition of rear extension and part demolition of out building attached to garage. Two storey rear extension and creation of link to new garage with 2 storey rear extension. External refurbishment of existing windows. Retention of existing self contained annex for the duration of the building works.
Fri 11th Jun, 20213/21/1554/HH12 The Maltings Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7NBSingle storey rear conservatory extension.
Fri 4th Jun, 20213/21/1502/VARLand South Of Froghall Lane Walkern HertfordshireVariation of condition 4 (approved plans) of outline planning permission: 3/14/2200/OP (allowed on appeal APP/J1915/W/15/3127807) - Garage removed at plot 65, fence and boundary lines amended and a shed added. Paved path added to the east and north plot boundary joining to the parking to the west of the plot. Bin and Cycle Store added to rear garden of Plots 13-16.
Mon 26th Apr, 20213/21/1074/HH32 Stevenage Road Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7NHRaising of roof above the garage and the addition of dormer windows to front and rear elevations.
Mon 19th Apr, 20213/21/1026/HH28 Froghall Lane Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7PHDemolition of conservatory. Erection of a single storey rear extension with roof lantern, alterations to roof at rear from pitched to flat roof with roof lantern
Wed 7th Apr, 20213/21/0903/FULOld Walkern Nursery, 50 Froghall Lane, WalkernExtension and conversion of an existing residential outbuilding to form a new 4 bedroom dwelling house and associated parking.
Tue 6th Apr, 20213/21/0885/AGPNLand at White Hill, Cromer, Walkern.Erection of agricultural storage building.
Fri 19th Mar, 20213/21/0691/FUL2 Bridgefoot Farm Barns Church End Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7PBRetention of: Erection of fence
Fri 19th Mar, 20213/21/0692/LBC2 Bridgefoot Farm Barns Church End Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7PBRegularisation of: Erection of fence
Tue 16th Mar, 20213/21/0672/VARLand at Winters Lane, WalkernRemoval of condition 7 of planning approval 317/1225/FUL – erection of 4 no 4 bed dwellings comprising 2 detached and 2 semi-detached together with garaging, curtilage parking, communal bin store and landscaping plus the provision of 2 vehicular parking places along Winters Lane
Thu 4th Mar, 20213/21/0214/HH6 Totts Lane Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7PLErection of outbuilding for use as a shed/workshop and studio.
Thu 18th Feb, 20213/20/2557/CLUPOld Walkern Nursery 50 Froghall Lane Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7PHUse of building as ancillary residential annexe
Tue 9th Feb, 20213/21/0089/HH70 Stevenage Road Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7NEDemolition of garage. Erection of two storey side, part single storey and part two storey rear extension. Creation of parking area to provide three off-street parking spaces together with a new dropped kerb.
Tue 19th Jan, 20213/21/0117/HH18 Glebe View Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7PQDemolition of rear conservatory and detached garage. Construction of ground floor side and rear extension.
Wed 13th Jan, 20213/21/0077/HH8 Winter’s Lane, Walkern. SG2 7NZAddition of open front porch, replace two front dormers with single wider dormer; addition of rear dormer and rooflights, replacement of side porch; garage conversion, removal of chimney, alterations to fenestration, cladding brickwork walls with self-coloured render.
Thu 7th Jan, 20213/20/2637/FULThe Old Recreation Ground, Totts Lane, Walkern.Erection of single storey, timber structure field shelter.
Wed 6th Jan, 20213/21/0027/HH2 Winter’s Lane, Walkern. SG2 7NZFirst floor side extension above existing garage.
Tue 5th Jan, 20213/21/0014/HH9 Yew Tree Close, Walkern, Herts SG2 7BFErection of ground floor front extension, extension to loft to include front and rear roof lights.
Fri 18th Dec, 20203/19/0118/OUTGresley Way, Stevenage.Construction of the spine road and site accesses, for drainage, infrastructure and ancillary works. Outline planning for the erection of up to 618 homes, a primary and pre-school, an 80 bed care home, with 50 associated assisted living homes, neighbourhood hub which comprises of shops and community facilities, A travelling show persons' site together with public open spaces, landscaping, drainage infrastructure and all associated and ancillary development. This development has been granted and there is a 128 page document to look at. The proposal complies with the development plan and national policy and it is considered that permission for the spine road etc, should be granted now also.
Mon 16th Nov, 20203/20/2262/HH5 Greenway Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7NRRendering of front and partial side elevations, replacement windows and cladding of porch.
Wed 28th Oct, 20203/20/2111/HH8 Greenway, Walkern SG2 7NRDemolition of garage. Erection of replacement two storey side and single storey rear extension.
Tue 7th Jul, 20203/20/1248/LBC12.8.2082 High Street, Walkern, Herts. SG2 7PGErection of 6ft 6inch rear garden fence constructed of wood for left hand side of garden between 82 and 86.
Wed 29th Apr, 20203/20/0685/FUL7.5.20Walkern Hall Farm, Clay End Road, Walkern, Herts. SG2 7JAThe erection of 3 buildings for B1 (light industrial/office) and 1 building for B2 (general industrial)/B8 (storage) and the change of use of an existing agricultural building to B1a (office) Provision of a car parking area for an additional 49 vehicles together with associated landscaping.
Tue 21st Apr, 20203/20/0772/HH28.5.2066 High Street, Walkern, Herts.Demolition of rear extension and demolition of outbuilding attached to garage. Erection of part single, part two storey rear extension. Installation of replacement windows to entire house. Retention of temporary annexe for the duration of work to the main dwelling.
Mon 20th Apr, 20203/20/0704/HH1.7.2044 Froghall Lane Walkern Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7PHSingle storey side/rear extension and roof extension to provide annexe.
Wed 8th Apr, 20203/20/0717/FUL1.6.20Rooks Nest Paddock, Stevenage Road, WalkernChange of use of land from agricultural/equestrian to residential and erection of a new two bedroom dwelling with associated parking – revised scheme.
Mon 6th Apr, 20203/20/0699/LBC29.4.20The Barn, Walkern Hall Farm, Clay End Road, Walkern, Herts. SG2 7JARemoval of existing weatherboarding and repairs to timber frame on Eastern elevation. Repointing of brick plinth and relaying of any bricks disturbed during the works to replace the section of the sole plate. Replacement of softwood featheredge boarding to Eastern elevation. Replacement of the existing fibreglass insulation to the first floor and gable wall with sheep’s wool.
Thu 2nd Apr, 20203/20/0634/VAR22.5.20Walkern Hall Farm, Clay End Road, Walkern, Herts. SG2 7JAVariation of condition 2 (approved plans) of listed building consent 3/18/1811/LBC (change of use of agricultural building to 1no. two bedroom holiday cottage (use class C£) to include alteration to materials, alternations to fenestration, creation of new openings and internal alterations) – internal and external alterations to the approved scheme.
Tue 31st Mar, 20203/20/0675/VAR22.5.20Agricultural Shed, Walkern Hall Farm, Clay End Road, Walkern, Herts. SG2 7JAVariation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission 3/18/1810/FUL (change of use of agricultural building to 1no. two bedroom holiday cottage (use class C3). Alterations to materials and fenestration, creation of new openings and internal alterations. Construction of new access road) – Internal and external alterations to the approved scheme.