Walkern Neighbourhood Plan

As part of the Government’s Localism Act, local communities can produce a Neighbourhood Pan to help guide development in their own area. A volunteer group produced a draft Neighbourhood Plan for Walkern Parish Council in 2016. Local consultation on the draft was then carried out in 2017.

The Walkern Neighbourhood Plan has since been scrutinised and comments taken into account in the final version. East Herts Council has agreed that the Plan is now at the Referendum Stage, with a ballot to be held on Thursday 5th July 2018 at the Walkern Sports and Community Centre.

The final version of the Plan and a General Information Statement from East Herts Council are now available for you to view at the United Reformed Church and Clark’s Garage.

East Herts Council will send all residents who are on the electoral roll a ballot card with one simple question for you to answer about the Plan. You can vote in person (or by proxy) at the Walkern Sports and Community Centre, or by postal vote. Postal and proxy vote application forms are available at www.aboutmyvote.co.uk or you can call East Herts Council on 01279 655261.

Have questions? On Sunday 1st July 2018, Walkern Parish Council, along with the Neighbourhood Planning Group, will be hosting a Question & Answer session at Walkern Sports and Community Centre between 10.30am and 1.30pm. Copies of the Neighbourhood Plan will be available for you to read. Please do come along as this will be an opportunity for you to find out more about the importance of your vote in this referendum and why Walkern Village needs you to say ‘YES’.

Michele Rist
Chair of the Walkern Neighbourhood Plan Group

To obtain more information about the Walkern Neighbourhood Plan, go to www.eastherts.gov.uk/walkernnp

Click on the links below to download the Plan and related documents:

001 Basic Conditions Document (September 2017)
002 Neighbourhood Plan Document (revised April 2018)
003 Household Results
004 Business Questionnaire
005 Additional Evidence 006 Consultation Statement