Walkern Parish Council Report, May 2024

The Walkern Annual Parish Meeting and the monthly Parish Council Meeting were held on Thursday May 9th 2024 at the Walkern Sports and Community Centre.

This report covers some of the issues we have been dealing with over the last few months. The full minutes of the meetings are available on the Parish Council website and on the Parish Council Notice Board by Budgens.

Annual Parish Meeting Report

Michele Rist, our Chair, spoke of the difficult year for the Council. The departure of the Clerk, problems with Barclays Bank which many charities are facing, and the sad death of a much respected Councillor. However, we are making progress in bringing our working practices up to date and Michele thanked all the Councillors for their help and support in this matter.

Election of Council Officers

I’m pleased to report that Michele Rist agreed to remain as Chair of the Parish Council. All the current Councillors were prepared to continue on the Council.

Walkern Neighbourhood Plan

The National Association of Local Councils have recently reported on the future of Neighbourhood Plans as the government has been dragging its feet on supporting funding. The confirmation has eventually come through solidifying the government’s commitment to such planning. The report states that in this area parish and town councils “shine”.

We have been working hard to produce a Plan that will be fit for purpose and preserve Walkern as a village community within a rural setting.

At present our consultant, Jaqueline Veater, and Laura Guy of East Herts District Council are dealing with the final questions from Edward Cousins, the examiner. The Plan must then be put before a full District Council meeting for their approval. These meetings are held roughly every three months.

 Walkern Fair

The sun certainly shone on Walkern the day of the Fair! Inside the Parish Council gazebo we displayed photographs showing the Village assets we are responsible for such as land, buildings, playground and fitness equipment as well as many other items. There was also information about the work of the Council. We were pleased that a number of visitors came to chat and buy a ticket for the tombola which raised a total of about £100. We hope to put the money towards a bench near the War Memorial.


The Council’s accounts have been approved by the internal auditor, Helen McCash.

Reg Marjason, our finance officer, presented us with an easy-to-read spreadsheet showing a timetable for the end-of-year reporting, approvals and internal audit that need to be completed to seek an external audit and to comply with AGAR (Annual Governance and Accountability Return.)

We are continuing to have difficulties with Barclays so the Council are investigating changing our accounts to the Unity Trust Bank which would enable us to use online banking facilities.

S106 Monies

These are the funds paid by developers of the Mears site to the Village for improvements in the local area, and residents are asking what has happened to these funds.

The law has now changed but at the time of the Wallace Way development, the Inspector decided what such funds should be used for, without any consultation with the Parish Council. A large amount of money was set aside for a cycle path between Walkern and Stevenage. However, permission had to be sought from local landowners who did not agree with the proposal. Another sum was set aside for play equipment at the High Street playground but as the equipment was in good condition it has not yet been used. The Parish Council has tried on numerous occasions to get permission to use this money for other worthwhile projects but we have been told this would not be legal. We asked if we could buy play equipment for the Walkern Sports and Community Centre but this was rejected as illegal even though the funds were for play equipment the money could only legally be used at the High Street site. Instead, we had to go through a long and difficult grant application process to put the play equipment that you can now see and use at the WSCC.

The S106 money is not in the Parish Council funds but is held by East Herts District Council. The Parish Council share and understand the frustration that residents feel about this.

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Thursday 6th June 2024 at the Walkern Sports and Community Centre commencing at 7.00 pm.

Christine Nudds, Parish Councillor