Walkern Parish Council Report, June 2024
The Walkern Parish Council Meeting was held on Thursday June 6th 2024 at the Walkern Sports and Community Centre.
This report covers some of the issues we have been dealing with over the last few months. The full minutes of the meetings are available on the Parish Council website and on the Parish Council Notice Board by Budgens.
Co-option of New Councillor
I’m pleased to report that Reg Marjason, our finance officer, has now joined us as a Councillor. Reg has worked hard with the Council over the last few months preparing the accounts for an internal and external audit, as well as advising on actions that need to be taken to comply with AGAR (Annual Governance and Accountability Return.)
Walkern Neighbourhood Plan
We received notification in May from Laura Guy of East Herts District Council that the Neighbourhood Plan First Revision is being recommended for adoption by EHDC. A report is going to the Executive in June and will be presented to the full District Council in July. She also states that it has been recognised that the Parish Council has made particular reference to the environment, green spaces and biodiversity in the update.
Walk About Walkern
Several times a year groups of Councillors tour the village. We inspect the state of village assets and the general look of the area. Sometimes any necessary maintenance is carried out and paid for by the Council, for example the repair of the Book Exchange cabinet in the High Street playground. At other times, for example the cutting of overhanging hedges onto pavements, it might be the responsibility of individual householders. We also take note of issues that need to be dealt with by outside agencies, for example the Clerk will be contacting Highways about the replacement of the missing road sign at the corner of the High Street and Stevenage Road.
Residents can of course contact us to report similar issues at any time as we aim to keep Walkern a pleasant place to live.
War Memorial Bench
Council has been in touch with Walkern Hall to discuss the siting of a bench at the memorial. We need permission to cut back part of the hedge on their land so that the bench can be placed in a safe position. The response has been favourable so we hope that we can move forward with this project using money raised by the tombola at the Walkern Fair.
Campo Sancho Festival at Walkern Hall 26th-28th July 2024
This weekend family festival includes camping and music. We expressed our concerns about noise levels when we met the organisers some months ago and they agreed to have a higher level of monitoring of the sound from the music and people leaving the event.
The company are offering Villagers a discount code of 25% using the code:
Use this code at
Retirement Village (Inspired Villages)
We would like residents to be aware of a Request for Screening Opinion that is now on the East Herts Planning Portal. This has come from Inspired Villages and their associated developers. Residents may remember a presentation from Inspired Villages given last year in the Walkern Sports and Community Centre. The scheme is for up to 125 units with communal facilities. We urge you to look at the details for yourselves.
Log on to the East Herts Planning Portal
Click on the Blue Box which is headed “Object, comment or view a Planning Application Online”
Enter the reference 3/24/1061/SCREEN.
Select the green box called Search
This document is part of the pre-planning process. We have responded stating that an Environmental Impact Statement should be submitted and EHDC has previously refused a similar planning application from Inspired Villages.
Crime Report May 2024 Hertfordshire Constabulary
Criminal Damage (Clay End) – Chain cut on locked gate
Criminal Damage-Vehicle window smashed
Criminal Damage-Van wind deflector pulled off.
There is a trend of offenders across the county trying vehicle, property and outbuilding door handles in the early hours of the morning and stealing contents where they are unlocked. Always ensure your vehicles and property are secured when unattended and all doors and windows locked, particularly overnight.
Please continue to report suspicious vehicles that you may see driving around the area. If you are able to record the make, colour, and registration number of the vehicle, that would be very helpful.
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Thursday 11th July 2024 at the Walkern Sports and Community Centre commencing at 7.00 pm.
Christine Nudds, Parish Councillor