LLAOL Consultation
Dear Sir/Madam
Re: Consultation on Expansion of Passenger Numbers from 18 mppa to 19 mppa – LLA
Walkern Parish Council would like to state clearly that it strongly objects to any expansion of passenger number at Luton Airport. This means breaking through the 18 million limit which was democratically agreed and legally signed up to by all parties in 2013 and expected to hold until 2028.
Financial incentives from Luton Council led to a faster than predicted growth and last year the airport reached and nearly breached the 18 million limit. This makes it clear that any agreement made by the airport is hardly likely to be kept, even when it is a legal document.
The airport has knowingly breached its noise footprint limits for three years in a row but rather than try to keep within the limits, has applied to have the limits increased. Despite a legal commitment to scrutinise the airport’s performance against the noise control scheme, Luton Council ignored the fact that the noise conditions were breached and the airport failed to explain the breach. Neither can be trusted. The so called ‘less noisy’ aircraft are actually larger and noisier.
The impact on the village of Walkern from noise is devastating, especially in the summer months, when aircraft on their landing approach make it difficult to sleep or even have a window open.
The jettisoning of fuel is obnoxious and highly pollutant, which raises additional concern as there is a primary school on the flightpath.
The Parish Council cannot believe that a slight deviation to North or South of the existing flight path, over open countryside instead of our village, would have a detrimental effect on the airport’s operation. Likewise, a steeper approach at a higher altitude would reduce noise levels.
The only reason the airport has been compliant with planning limits in 2020 is due to the reduction in passenger numbers as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. It is clear that a reduction in passenger numbers is required until the long-term effects of the virus on the economy is more clearly known.
Yours faithfully
on behalf of Walkern Parish Council
Heidi Broady (Mrs)
Clerk to Walkern Parish Council