Box Wood – Article 4 Direction

An Article 4 Direction was served on 22 July 2020 at Box Wood, north of Stevenage Road, following the potential sale/purchase of these land parcels which were advertised as sub-divided plots.

EHDC were concerned that this increased the possibility of harmful development, such as fences, new accesses and temporary use of the land, within the Metropolitan Green Belt, as well as to the Site of Archaeological Significance, the Wildlife Site and Ancient Monument which are all designated within this land at Box Wood. The Direction removes these permitted development rights. It requires landowners to seek planning permission and creates the opportunity for EHDC to take enforcement action if any breaches occur.

About Article 4 Directions

An Article 4 Direction enables greater management of planning related changes in a particular location. They work by removing permitted development rights over certain works.

This means that planning permission is required for specific developments that would otherwise not require an application for planning permission, enabling the Council to better protect the character or land use in a specific location or area.

Walkern Parish Council would like to thanks District Councillor Ken Crofton for all his hard work in making this happen.