As you may be aware a planning application has been submitted by Inspired Villages to build an Integrated Retirement Community to the land west of High Street and south of Dovehouse Lane for up to 125 units of specialist housing for older people.
The planning application can be viewed on the East Herts District Council planning portal at [insert hyperlink when available]. The reference is [insert reference when available].
Walkern Parish Council is responding to the application and in doing so we want to accurately represent the views and concerns of the residents of the parish. To help us in doing that we would be grateful if you would complete the short survey form below. If you choose to respond directly to EHDC on the page referenced above, we would appreciate it if you would complete our survey as well in order that we can reflect your views in the Parish Council’s response.
If you prefer to submit a paper form you can download and print one here – when completed please drop it into the box in Clarke’s Garage, High Street, Walkern.
The developer’s primary website is here
The developer’s website describing the development is here
Thank you for your time and your interest in the future of Walkern.